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audit team members

key responsibilities of audit team members

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDIT TEAM MEMBERS  An audit team exists whenever there is an audit in an organization. They are composed of a lead auditor, auditor, trainee auditor, technical expert, observer, guide, and client. For an internal audit, you may not need all these members,… Read More »key responsibilities of audit team members

noise hazard toolbox talk

Toolbox talk on noise hazard

Noise hazard toolbox talk Every day we experience sounds from our environment. For example, sounds from our radios, television, electrical appliances, vehicles, and equipment. Sometimes these sounds can be on a normal level.  However, some sounds can be loud and long-lasting. At that point, the… Read More »Toolbox talk on noise hazard

muster point area safety

Where is the best place for a muster point?

Where is the best place for a muster point? A muster point is a meeting place for personnel to gather for possible evacuation during an emergency. In some places, they have multiple muster points for personnel to assemble without difficulty. Muster points offer a safe… Read More »Where is the best place for a muster point?

person in black leather boots sitting on brown cardboard boxes

What are the effects of an accident on the life of an employee?

Accidents effects on the life of an employee. The accident is unplanned, unwanted and unforeseen circumstances that cause harm and damage to people, machines, the environment and the reputation.  When an accident happens, there will always be an effect attached to it. No matter how… Read More »What are the effects of an accident on the life of an employee?

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stop work authority safety toolbox talk

Stop work authority safety toolbox talk

Stop work authority safety toolbox talk Stop work authority involves engaging in a process to stop work immediately when a work exposes a risk of harm to workers.  It’s a principle that all workers have the authority and responsibility to stop work when they see… Read More »Stop work authority safety toolbox talk

landscape photography of mountains covered in snow

complacency in safety toolbox talk

TOOLBOX TALK ON COMPLACENCY Complacency is the feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger or defect. In the workplace, complacency will make a worker have a feeling that he is always safe while working. Maybe they have been doing… Read More »complacency in safety toolbox talk

man pushing wheelbarrow

Toolbox talk on Wheelbarrow safety.

Wheelbarrow safety is often encouraged during wheelbarrow use at home or at the work site. Wheelbarrows are small hand-propelled vehicles, pushed and guided by a person to convey a load from one location to another. Made up of one wheel, handle, tyre, leg, frame, steel… Read More »Toolbox talk on Wheelbarrow safety.

ppe use

How to encourage workers to use PPE at work

Four ways to encourage effective use of PPE Personal protective equipment at the work site  PPE use has to be championed by all and sundry in a work environment. The task should not be left solely in the hands of the management, even though the… Read More »How to encourage workers to use PPE at work

ways to promote an effective safety leadership

5 ways to promote effective safety leadership

Effective safety leadership. According to Hersey and Blanchard, “Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in an effort toward goal achievement in a given situation”. On the other hand, according to Wikipedia, Safety is the state of being… Read More »5 ways to promote effective safety leadership

forklift safety on loading dock

6 Smart Ways to Boost Forklift Safety and Increase Efficiency at Loading Docks & Worksites

A forklift is a bulky and potentially heavy industrial vehicle to be operated carefully. More so, Loading docks are the essential hub for manufacturing plants, distribution centres and warehouses. They play a pivotal role in terms of loading and unloading freight.