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A few things you need to know about ILO Article 10 of the Occupational Safety and Health Recommendations 1981 ( R164)

R164 is one of the outputs of ILO. It is called Occupational Safety and Health Recommendations 1981 (R164). The other output from ILO is convention. Specifically, article 10 of R164 puts a lot of responsibilities on the employers and employees of an organisation. These responsibilities are part of what employers and employees must do to maintain a safe workplace. Below are the obligations employers have to perform in the workplace

Employers’ Responsibilities from ILO Occupational Safety and health recommendations Article 10 of R164.

  • To provide adequate protective clothing and protective equipment to prevent the risk of accidents or adverse effects on health.
  • To provide adequate instruction, education, and training to the workers.To provide the necessary supervision during the work activity.
  • Ensure that the workers’ work hours do not interfere with their safety and health.
  • To remove any activity that causes extreme fatigue, whether physical or mental fatigue, to the workers.
  • To put necessary health and safety arrangements in place per the size and nature of their undertaking.
  • To ensure that they stay updated with the relevant industrial information and legislation and comply with them.

Workers’ responsibilities and rights according to ILO Occupational Safety and Health recommendations R164.

  • Workers should take reasonable care of their safety and the safety of other people who might be affected by what they do and other things they fail to do in the workplace.
  • They must comply with the safety instructions, procedures, and policies.
  • Use all safety equipment given to them, and they should not tamper with it.
  • Report any situation that they believe could be a hazard to themselves and which they cannot handle.
  • They are responsible for reporting any work-related accident or illness.

Frequently asked questions about R164?

Do R164 and C155 have similarities?

Yes, they have similarities. They are simply a general recognition that most of the workplace’s responsibilities for ensuring Health and Safety lie with the employer. They also recognise that individual workers have duties towards health and safety.


What are the differences between R164 and C155?

C155 is called Occupational Safety and Health Convention 1982, while R164 is called Operational Safety and Health Recommendation 1981.

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