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Toolbox talk on biohazard safety

biohazard safety toolbox talk

Biohazard safety addresses risks associated with biohazards.

Biohazards are human waste that can cause harm or diseases. 

Biohazards are seen in places such as wastewater, medical waste etc.

Such places contaminated with microorganisms are harmful to human health and cause diseases. 

There are many levels of biohazards according to the risk level

Level 1 is the minimum risk. Level 4 is the maximum risk.  

  • Biohazard level 1 are bacteria and virus-like Ecoli and varicella.
  • level 2 are bacteria and viruses that can cause mild diseases such as hepatitis A, B, and C 
  • level 3 are bacteria and viruses that can cause severe diseases in humans like Anthrax and malaria. 
  • Biohazard level 4 causes severe to fatal diseases such as Ebola, smallpox etc.


Biohazard safety: What can you do to promote biohazard safety today?

  • Ensure that you don’t have any contact with sewage.
  • Always wash your hands with soap and water whenever you touch any contaminants.
  • Avoid exposing any cuts or wounds. Treat any cut injury immediately to prevent exposure to contaminants.
  • Use of personal protective equipment such as Liquid proof gloves, boots and face protection when working in sewage.
  • Do not put contaminated gloves or boots near any food material. Dispose of them after work or wash them if you can
  • Wash all contaminated wear at the site. Ensure that you wash it at a very high temperature. At least 160 degrees Fahrenheit to kill all germs.
  • Minimise your exposure to sewage if you can
  • Hand Gloves must not be washed and reused. after that, wash your hands after removing the hand gloves.


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