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Welcome to the health category of this HSE blog. The category will guide you in all things relating to physical, mental and emotional wellness.

Good health is the foundation of fulfilment and a purposeful life free of sickness and disease.

The health category is here to give you practical tips and valuable insights to sustain a good life.

From this category, below are things that you will see:

  • Articles on expert advice on health and wellness that will increase your knowledge and offer you up-to-date information.
  • Inspiring stories that will help you overcome challenges in your life.
  • Profound blogs to guide you on actionable habits and routines to adopt.
  • The wisdom that you need for your nutrition, wellness and holistic fitness.

In addition, we all know that health is an invaluable asset. Everyone deserves to live a life of vitality. When looking for an article to improve your body, reduce your stress, and manage your well-being, this category is a sure bet to get fulfilled. 

Tips to ensure patient safety in health care setting

7 Tips to ensure patient safety in a health care setting

7 Tips to ensure patient safety in a health care setting Patient safety in a healthcare setting is an aspect of safety that individuals in the healthcare setting need to improve upon to prevent avoidable deaths.  The care providers, support staff and consumers can work… Read More »7 Tips to ensure patient safety in a health care setting

7 Factors to consider when deciding on first aid provision in the workplace

An employer is responsible for making appropriate workplace first aid provisions. First aid provision includes first aid facilities, first aid equipment and trained first aid personnel. The employer needs to consider various activities or factors before deciding on the first aid provision for the workplace.… Read More »7 Factors to consider when deciding on first aid provision in the workplace

food allergies image

What is an allergen found in food

What is an allergen? An allergen is a substance that can cause an allergic reaction in human beings. When an allergy enters the human body, for some people, the body recognises the allergen as an invader or a foreign, dangerous substance. In that manner, the… Read More »What is an allergen found in food

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When Is the Best Time to Treat Neck Pain in Gurgaon?

While neck pain is often manageable with home remedies and medication, there are times when you may need the best neck pain treatment in Gurgaon, provided by physiotherapists and medical professionals. This post explores when you should seek medical help for your neck pain to avoid any more complications.

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10 easy ways to manage and relieve stress

Stress can be unavoidable in one’s life, but that does not mean that you should ignore it. In as much as stress that is not treated could generate severe physical and mental health issues, there is good news that it can be managed with total moderation and practical strategies, whether it is stress from family, business, or work.

hand washing image

Hand washing and hygiene: The Crucial role it plays in disease prevention 

Hand washing is important for removing dirt, bacteria, and viruses from the skin’s surface, and it also helps to disrupt the transmission of infectious agents and prevent the spread of diseases. It is also important that everyone key into this so that the spread of diseases will be reduced and public health will improve.

first aid to a casualty administering first aid

Can a first aider get injured while providing first aid to a casualty?

If you have ever provided first aid to a casualty, you’ll understand that a first aider can get an injury while administering first aid. When an emergency happens, an injured person becomes a casualty. During that emergency, many people may gather to view what is… Read More »Can a first aider get injured while providing first aid to a casualty?

recovery position first aid

When is it necessary to put a casualty in a recovery position?

Who is a casualty? A casualty is a victim of an accident that has sustained an injury. An accident does not announce itself when it wants to happen. However, people can take precautions beforehand to prevent it from becoming disastrous. It is part of what… Read More »When is it necessary to put a casualty in a recovery position?