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ISO Management systems

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audit team members

key responsibilities of audit team members

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDIT TEAM MEMBERS  An audit team exists whenever there is an audit in an organization. They are composed of a lead auditor, auditor, trainee auditor, technical expert, observer, guide, and client. For an internal audit, you may not need all these members,… Read More »key responsibilities of audit team members

pdca cycle safety example

How to use PDCA cycle in occupational health and safety standard ISO 45001:2018.

All management systems use the PDCA cycle methodology in their approach. It is a model that connotes the PLAN DO CHECK ACT. The PDCA Cycle is also known as the Deming cycle.

Image for Three iso management system standards for osh professional

Brief explanations on the three ISO management system standards every health and safety professional needs to know

ISO management system standards are very important. However, it comes with multiple benefits to the organizations that subscribe to it. For any occupational health and safety practitioner to stand out in this profession, knowledge of these three key standards is needed and they are ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2015.

audit on site activities photo

9 factors to consider before embarking on audit on-site activities to guarantee the safety and health of an auditor or audit team members.

9 factors to consider before embarking on audit on-site activities to guarantee the safety and health of an auditor or audit team members.

Why Invest in Security Certification photo

5 reasons why your Company Should Invest in Security Certification

Investing in security certification is crucial for companies as it helps manage risk, ensuring safe and efficient operations. Key advantages include adherence to best practices, compliance with laws, fulfilling supplier obligations, and boosting customer confidence. Certifications such as ISO 27001 demonstrate a company’s commitment to protecting sensitive information, inevitably enhancing the way they conduct business.

principles of auditing management system auditing

6 principles of auditing every management system auditor should apply when carrying out auditing. 

The six key principles every management system auditor should apply during an audit are; Integrity, which is the core of auditing professionalism; Fair presentation, highlighting the necessity of truth and accuracy in reportage; Confidentiality, emphasizing the importance of maintaining secure information; Due professional care, encouraging sound judgments; Independence, facilitating impartiality and objectivity; and an Evidence-based approach, focusing on verifiable samples of information. These principles are founded on Clauses 5 to 7 of the ISO 19011:2011 Guidelines for auditing management systems.

first party audit second party audit third party audit management system auditing

The difference between first party, second party and third party audit

First party audit is called an internal audit conducted internally by an organisation or by someone else on their behalf. In the first party audit, it’s the members of the management that are involved, very familiar with themselves and unlike what we may have in the second party and third party audits.

health and safety policy photo

How do we make the health and safety policy accessible to all workers

Health and safety policy is an important document that all organisations should comply with in fulfilment of the occupational health and safety management system requirements. the ISO 45001:2018 Standard.

According to the ISO 45001: 2018, occupational health and safety management standard, the organisation should create, maintain and implement a health and safety policy. And the health and safety policy has to be communicated to workers in the workplace.

internal audit frequency iso management system

How often should you do an internal audit in compliance with the ISO management system?

For those conversant with ISO management systems such as ISO 45001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, you will know that the standard requires you to have a schedule for your internal audit.

context of the organisation ISO photo

What is the context of the organisation according to the ISO management system?

If you have seen any of the ISO management system standards, you will know that the management system has a high-level structure called Annex L.  The structure allows for easy integration of different ISO management systems standards whenever you want to run an integrated management… Read More »What is the context of the organisation according to the ISO management system?

difference between stage 1 and stage 2 audit iso photo

What is the difference between a stage 1 audit and a stage 2 audit? 

When your company decides to get a certification in any ISO management systems, for example, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or ISO 45001, Your company will acquire the services of a certification body to carry out the activity for them.  Before the company obtains an ISO… Read More »What is the difference between a stage 1 audit and a stage 2 audit? 

difference between iso 45001 and ohsas 18001 photo

What is the difference between ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001?

ISO project committee developed ISO 45001 and published it on March 12, 2018. Since then, many organisations have been certified by it. OHSAS 18001 has been since 1999. And it is an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS). They’re a lot of differences between… Read More »What is the difference between ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001?