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Frequently asked questions on health surveillance at the site.

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What is health surveillance?

Health surveillance is a scheme of repeated health checks that are used to identify ill health caused by work.

Is health surveillance a mandatory activity?

It is a legal requirement for employers to conduct surveillance when workers are exposed to health risks even after controls are in place.

Who sets up the health surveillance in an organisation?

The employer sets up the health surveillance with input from a competent occupational health professional.

Is health surveillance the same thing as health monitoring and screening?

Health surveillance is not the same as health monitoring or health screening. Health surveillance is mainly used for workers who need it, not for every worker.

What does health surveillance provide to workers and the workplace?

It provides feedback on further actions to take to prevent harm on site.It allows workers to raise concerns about their health regarding the work.It provides the opportunity to reinforce the training and education of workers in the workplace.

How can you decide if you need surveillance in your workplace?

One of the ways to decide carefully if you need surveillance is by looking at your risk assessment. Through risk assessment, you’ll be able to determine what can harm your worker’s health. You can introduce reasonable steps to control the risks and prevent harm.

What are the sources of information to know if your workplace needs health surveillance?

  • Previous cases of work-related ill-health
  • Evidence of Ill health in jobs relating to your industry.
  • Manufacturers data.
  • Looking at the insurance claims.

Do employers need to consult the workers before any health surveillance?

Yes, the employers must consult the workers and their representatives. Consultation helps to increase the workers’ cooperation and Compliance with the surveillance.

During the consultation, what are the things you need to let the workers know concerning health surveillance?

  • Let the workers know the system you have put in place to control risk.
  • Tell them about the importance of health surveillance.
  • Tell them how they can attend their health surveillance appointments.
  • Tell them that they have to attend health surveillance appointments.
  • Tell them about the actions the employer can take concerning their refusal to attend health surveillance appointments.


How do you determine the type of health surveillance that your business needs?

  • To know this, you will have to identify diseases and illnesses peculiar to your work or industry.
  • Know the conditions that can promote the effects of the disease.
  • Understand the valid techniques responsible for detecting the diseases and determine if the methods have a low risk.

Who conducts medical surveillance?

  • A doctor appointed by the Health and Safety Executive has the right to conduct medical surveillance. Medical surveillance is often done in situations where there is exposure to certain high-hazard substances.

How do you set up health surveillance in your workplace?

  • Consider the health hazard existing in your workplace that requires health surveillance.
  • Determine the workers that may be exposed to them and ensure they will receive appropriate surveillance.
  • Determine who will lead your health surveillance program.
  • Seek the advice of an occupational health professional.
  • Determine the roles and responsibilities of everyone in the team.
  • Consider the different types of workers present in your workplace, such as remote workers, shift workers, etc.

What do you do after the conclusion of surveillance by an occupational health professional?

Feedback is important. Ensure that you get the surveillance input once it is concluded. The information obtained should be recorded in the workers’ health records. If there is a need for further investigation, you may have to carry that out with the help of a competent occupational health professional. You must act on the results to protect the workers against illness anywhere the surveillance says there is evidence of work related to health.

What records are required to be maintained after surveillance?

The two records are health records and medical records. Employers are mandated to keep health records, but medical records are kept in medical confidence by the occupational health professional who did the surveillance scheme.

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