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Three methods a Safety auditor can use to gather factual information during an audit.

A safety audit is a structured process because of this, factual information is needed to be collected by an auditor. If information is not factual, the objectives of the audit might be defeated. Audit, as we all know, is not the same thing as inspection. Audit mainly focuses on the management system. It examines the documents such as safety policies, procedures, risk assessments, systems of work, method statements, etc. It even goes a long way to look at the records in place, such as maintenance records, inspection records, examination records, etc. Now, for an auditor to gather factual information, the auditor needs to follow these three methods below.

Three methods to gather factual information during an audit.


A safety auditor may rely on interviewing the employees or workers within an organization to gather factual information. During the interview process, word-of-mouth evidence can be extracted from the workers and even from the managers. This information can serve as factual information for the audit.

2.Direct observation.

This is another way that a safety auditor can get factual information during an audit. By direct observation, the safety auditor has to examine the workplace, the equipment, the activities going on and the behaviour of the workers. This will give him a vivid picture of what has been going on within the organization. While at direct observation, pictures and photographs might be taken to serve as factual evidence.



A safety auditor might choose to ask for documents and reports supporting an organization’s activities. With this the auditor can be able to know the lapses or how best the management system has been managed. Factual information serves as evidence during a safety audit. The safety officer sometimes collects evidence so that their findings can’t be refuted during the audit. Factual evidence can be used to correlate with word-of-mouth evidence from the workers.


Getting factual information is very important. A safety auditor knows that his work is better solved when information is extracted effectively during an audit. So, he needs to rely on these three methods if he actually wants to make headway during an audit.

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