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7 Limitations of PPE personal protective equipment

Personal Protective Equipment, Otherwise known as PPE, Is equipment or clothing worn or held by a worker that protects them from one or more risks to their safety and health. There are many types of PPE, such as Ear defenders, hand gloves, safety helmets, safety boots, etc. Even though PPE is meant to protect the worker, it has some limitations.

7 Limitations of ( PPE) Personal Protective Equipment

1.Most people don’t like to wear PPE.

Most workers don’t like to wear PPE. Because they always give the reasons that it is inconveniencing them. But the truth is that PPE Personal Protective Equipment is meant to protect a worker against a hazard. The purpose of PPE is defeated when workers don’t like to wear them.

2.It only protects one person.

PPE often protects one person, the wearer, but it does not protect everyone simultaneously. If one person is wearing PPE and the others are not, The PPE can only protect the person who is wearing the PPE, but will not be able to protect others.

3.May increase the risk of harm.

Some PPE may increase the risk of harm when you don’t wear them properly. For example, a Goggle that mists up and becomes covered with a thin layer of liquid makes it more challenging to see through.

4. PPE Personal Protective Equipment may not be compatible with other items.

When you wear some PPE with other items, it may not be compatible with some items, and you need to wear them with those items.

5.Some people may be uncomfortable with the wearer.

Some PPE Personal Protective Equipment may not be comfortable with the wearer and may even interfere with the wearer’s ability when doing a job.



In as much as PPE has limitations, the benefit outweighs the limitations. So it is essential to continue to wear PPE when needed so has to prevent harm

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