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9 Limitations of verbal communication

Communication is the process of delivering information from a sender to a receiver. We have different kinds of communication, and verbal communication is one of them. For communication to be effective, it has to be transmitted, received, and understood by the people involved.

Verbal communication is the type of communication that uses spoken words. Verbal communication involves face-to-face conversations, meetings, interviews, training, and telephone conversations.

Verbal communication is the easiest type of communication, but it has some limitations like every other type of communication.

9 Limitations of the verbal communication.

1.No written record.

Verbal communication does not produce any written record. So there is no proof of written record that a communication has happened. There could be a voice record in the case of a telephone.

2.Poor Hearing from the part of the recipient.

The receiver or the recipient May have poor hearing. The sender may not even be aware of this poor hearing defect. With this, the purpose of the communication is defeated.


3.The message may be ambiguous.

Sometimes, verbal communication can be ambiguous. The two people speaking to each other may not understand themselves clearly.

4.The recipient may forget information.

Sometimes, the sender may send information, but the recipient may forget it at the end of the day. This is very common with verbal communication, unlike written communication.

5.Background noise.

Sometimes, there could be a noise in the background when the sender gives out information to the receiver. It may or may not be managed that easily.

6.Technical words or jargon may not be understood.

Technical words or jargon may make it difficult for the two people involved to understand themselves, unlike written communication, which may explain things in a manner that someone may realise.

7.There could be a case of poor transmission.

When information is being passed through the telephone, the poor network may affect it.

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