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man pushing wheelbarrow

Toolbox talk on Wheelbarrow safety.

Wheelbarrow safety is often encouraged during wheelbarrow use at home or at the work site. Wheelbarrows are small hand-propelled vehicles, pushed and guided by a person to convey a load from one location to another. Made up of one wheel, handle, tyre, leg, frame, steel… Read More »Toolbox talk on Wheelbarrow safety.

ppe use

How to encourage workers to use PPE at work

Four ways to encourage effective use of PPE Personal protective equipment at the work site  PPE use has to be championed by all and sundry in a work environment. The task should not be left solely in the hands of the management, even though the… Read More »How to encourage workers to use PPE at work

ways to promote an effective safety leadership

5 ways to promote effective safety leadership

Effective safety leadership. According to Hersey and Blanchard, “Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in an effort toward goal achievement in a given situation”. On the other hand, according to Wikipedia, Safety is the state of being… Read More »5 ways to promote effective safety leadership

forklift safety on loading dock

6 Smart Ways to Boost Forklift Safety and Increase Efficiency at Loading Docks & Worksites

A forklift is a bulky and potentially heavy industrial vehicle to be operated carefully. More so, Loading docks are the essential hub for manufacturing plants, distribution centres and warehouses. They play a pivotal role in terms of loading and unloading freight.

pdca cycle safety example

How to use PDCA cycle in occupational health and safety standard ISO 45001:2018.

All management systems use the PDCA cycle methodology in their approach. It is a model that connotes the PLAN DO CHECK ACT. The PDCA Cycle is also known as the Deming cycle.

health and safety standards

The 7 societal factors that influence the health and safety standards of an organisation

The Health and safety standards can be influenced positively or negatively by certain societal factors. These societal factors make companies practise good health and safety standards.

Reasons for managing health and safety risk

Three fundamental reasons for managing health and safety risks

Managing health and safety risks involves moral, legal and economic reasons. These reasons make the employer do safety responsibilities within the work environment.

buried utilities safety

Toolbox talk on buried utilities.

Underground utilities or buried utilities can cause damage if not managed during excavation. Electrical lines, sewage lines, and gas pipelines are buried utilities. During an excavation activity within the area, it can offer deadly hazards when the buried services are out of anyone’s knowledge.