A Safe Bicycle Riding Tips
Safe bicycle riding tips will protect the rider from an accident and offer the cyclist the needed information to prevent accidents during cycling activity.
Bicycle riding is one of the most eco-friendly, cost-effective modes of transportation. Most people ride on bicycles to keep fit and enjoy themselves.
In this article, we will provide safe bicycle riding tips for your safety and protection during any riding activity.
1. Get the right bicycle.
The right bicycle will make a difference to ensure that you are safe, and when choosing, pick a choice that suits your height and your riding style.
Riding an unsuitable bicycle will make you lose control when riding.
There are varieties of bicycles for children and adults.
2. Check the condition of the different bicycle parts.
You have to check if the bicycle is in good working condition. The different parts that you have to check include the tyres, the brakes, and the gears.
3. Right Safety gear.
You must wear the correct safety helmet and reflective vest.
The safety helmet protects the head against head injuries following an accident. The high visibility or reflective vest will improve your visibility on the road among other road users and motorists during dark or low light conditions.
4. Obey Traffic Rules.
That cyclist must know the traffic rules. To obey the traffic rules requires following all local laws and regulations concerning road usage.
Always consider riding in the same direction as the flow of the traffic because this will prevent collision with other vehicles on the road.
5. Use your hand signals.
Whenever you intend to make a turn or to change direction when riding your bicycle, use hand signals to indicate the direction you want to go. If it is a left turn that you want to take, extend your left arm straight out to signal a left turn, and for a right turn, bend your left arm at a right angle with your hand pointing up. And if it is to slow down or stop, extend your left arm at a right angle with your Hand pointing down.
6. Avoid distractions.
When riding, make sure that you avoid any form of distraction from your side. This distraction can come when using your phone to make a call or using the phone to listen to music with your headphones. Once you have a distraction, it can impair your ability to spot incoming vehicles on the road. It can equally make you not decipher an incoming hazard that has the potential to cause an accident.
7. Give a safe distance to other vehicles.
Do not ride close to vehicles while on the road. Leave enough room between yourself and the other vehicle when riding. When parking, avoid parking close to the door of the parked cars, as the car doors during opening may get in contact with the bicycle and cause a fall. During riding in traffic, ensure to give a safe distance of at least 3 feet to any vehicle to prevent collision during your manoeuvring.
8. Be careful of hazards.
Hazards such as debris, potholes, snow, road bumps and slippery surfaces can impede your cycling on the road. To avoid these from causing harm to you, keep your eye on road conditions and adjust your speed. Monitor the weather conditions at any given time and take control measures before riding your bicycle.
9. Make Eye Contact with Drivers.
Maintain a good eye contact with other road users. When you want to negotiate for a turn or when approaching an intersection, always make eye contact with other drivers on the road. Do not assume the drivers are seeing you because you may be wrong. Good eye contact will enable them to see you and understand your intentions on the road to prevent actions that may cause a collision.
10. Watch out and be careful for intersections.
When you are riding and approaching any intersections, make sure that you do so slowly because not doing this may expose you to colliding with other road users. Intersections are high-risk areas for motorists because of various traffic movements at that point.
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11. Check out for weather conditions.
When riding a bicycle, weather conditions can impact your riding.
In adverse weather conditions, reduce your speed and increase your breaking distance.
Do not dress in any wear that is inappropriate for the weather to maintain some level of comfort when riding.
12. Practise Defensive driving.
When riding a bicycle, always adopt a defensive mindset. The defensive mindset will enable you to anticipate the potential dangers on the road and give you ample time to provide measures to control them. Do not ride between large trucks, buses, and vehicles. Most times, the road driver’s visibility is limited. They may not be able to observe you when you’re riding on a bicycle.
Conclusion: Safe Bicycle Riding Tips
Safe bicycle riding is an activity that entails your preparation and awareness before and obeying the road rules when on the road.
The rider has to choose the right bicycle, inspect the various parts and ensure they are in good condition before riding on the road.
Knowing how to apply the road rules will cause a reduction of risks associated with cycling, and being safe on the road is your responsibility.
Be watchful to respect other road users and share the road responsibly.
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Onyeka Emma is a QHSE Professional with more than 10 years of experience in occupational health and safety, which spans many industries such as construction, beverage, oil and gas, etc. He has many health and safety certifications, including NEBOSH IGC, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 Lead auditor certificate. A member of IOSH, ISPON, and Nigeria Red Cross Society. He is interested in business, entrepreneurship, Speaking, and motivating people to do better for themselves. He enjoys leisure with a good motivational book.