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What is safety sampling?

Safety sampling is a technique of monitoring compliance with a particular workplace standard by only looking at a representative sample. For instance, if there are 100 body harness belts in a workplace, and if you’re conducting a safety sampling on them, you may randomly pick 30 body harness belts and conduct an inspection on them instead of inspecting the whole 100 body harnesses.

Examples of safety sampling in a workplace.

1.An organisation has 1,000 fire extinguishers in place. If the standard in that workplace says all 1,000 fire extinguishers must be inspected annually by a competent engineer, How do you conduct a safety sampling in this case?

The best way to conduct a safety sampling, in this case, is to randomly select about 60 fire extinguishers from various workplace locations and inspect them. When you have done this, you have conducted a safety sampling of them.

2.An organisation has 1,000 Electric lamps installed at various locations in the workplace. How do you conduct a safety sampling for the 1,000 electric lamps?

The best way to conduct the safety sampling for the 1,000 electric lamps is to select about 100 at different locations and inspect them randomly. When you did this, you conducted a safety sampling for the electric lamps.

Safety sampling provides better evidence of compliance with the standard than simply checking the maintenance records of the fire extinguishers.


Benefits of safety sampling.

1. Less time-consuming.

Doing a safety sampling will reduce the time involved in conducting inspections at the workplace so that you can save time for other essential things.

2.It provides better evidence of compliance.

Instead of checking the maintenance record of equipment and other items, the best way to check safety compliance is to conduct a safety sampling on the equipment, etc.

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