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What is a safety tour?

A safety tour is a high-profile inspection conducted by a team in a workplace. The team members are primarily managers from the areas that would be inspected or from the department. They can also involve the worker representative, safety specialist, occupational health specialist, etc. The safety tour may be formal or informal, but the most important thing is that an inspection is being carried out.

Objective of the safety tour.

  • To raise the awareness of health and safety in that particular area or department.
  • To demonstrate management first regarding health and safety.
  • To fulfil a compliance objective.

Examples of a safety tour in a workplace.

An inspection of the company’s production room is needed. The operation managers have informed the production manager about this activity. How do they go about the safety tour?

During the safety tour, the operations manager will communicate with the managers he expects to be around. The production manager who has been the manager of that department will be available for the tour. They may schedule a 1 hour or 2 hours for the tour. The time of the tour will be given. So, during the safety tour, the operations manager, the various managers, the worker representatives, and even the safety specialist will join the team, and they will go around the production area inspecting the whole place. The inspection report of the safety tour will be produced at the end.


Frequently asked questions about Safety Tours.

Is a safety tour and safety survey the same?

Safety Tour and Safety Survey are not the same thing they are different. A safety tour involves a high-profile inspection within an area with a team of managers. Still, a safety survey inspects a particular issue that a competent person can do.

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