Seat belt safety is crucial for saving human lives when an accident occurs on the road.
The bad part is that not all persons like to wear a seat belt in a vehicle for some reasons best known to them. Seat belts reduce crash-related injuries by half. And so it’s expedient to use seat belts.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety, the administration estimates that seat belts alone are responsible for nearly 375000 lives saved since record-keeping began in 1975.
People may choose not to wear seat belts for so many reasons below.
- Seatbelts are uncomfortable: We have heard this line of thought many times. Every other piece of safety equipment looks like an inconvenience for some people, but that’s not true. Safety should be a priority for everyone.
- Seat belts are dangerous to wear: That’s not true because seat belts are for your safety. Wearing them will make them more effective in protecting you during a car crash.
Can a pregnant woman wear a seatbelt?
A pregnant woman can wear a seat belt. There is no harm in wearing the seat belt. The seat belt will help to protect you and the unborn child from a vehicle crash. Even the doctors advise pregnant women to wear seat belts when in a vehicle. When using the seat belt, avoid disabling the airbag because the seat belt works hand in hand with the airbag.
Can a child wear a seat belt?
A child can wear a seat belt. You have to know when the child should be able to do so.
Seat belt safety when buying a vehicle.
When buying a new car, there are things to consider about the Car seat belt.
Firstly, you have to check the condition of the seat belt and know if it is a good fit for you. Check if there are seat belt adjusters in it. With the seat belt adjusters, you will be able to know if it is a good fit for you.
Some persons may request a roomie belt. Do that through your car manufacturer or ask your car dealer.
Some old cars are fitted with lap belts, which may not be safe for today’s cars. Check with your car dealer on how to retrofit this with today’s safer lap or shoulder belt.
How to wear a vehicle seat belt?
There is a right way to wear a seat belt. You have to consider the following when doing so.
The shoulder belt should be away from your neck, cross your chest and not off your shoulder. The seat belt should be between your breasts. Secure the lap belt below your belly and ensure it fits snugly across your hips and pelvic bone. Never place the shoulder belt under your arm. Never put the shoulder belt behind your lap. Never place the lap belt on top of your belly or over your belly.
When should I adjust my seat belt?
After wearing the seatbelt and it is uncomfortable with you, you can adjust it to suit you. Ensure that you keep an upright position and keep much distance between your belly and the steering wheel.
Why is seat belt safety important?
Having an airbag in your vehicle is not enough reason to avoid wearing a seat belt. You need to wear a seat belt with the airbag. An airbag is designed for its purpose and is not a substitute for a seat belt. Airbags are designed to work with seat belts and not to displace the use of a seat belt. A seat belt will prevent the user from crashing into the vehicle interior or being ejected during an accident.
Seat belt safety: fact vs. Myths
There are so many facts and myths surrounding the use of safety belts. The myths and facts of seat belts are;
- You don’t need to wear a seat belt when your car has an airbag- This is a myth because the seat belt is designed to be used with an airbag. The person is safer with a seat belt and an airbag in use.
- A seat belt can trap someone in a fire or water emergency- This is a myth because a seat belt keeps you safe in a vehicle. When there is a vehicle fire or water emergency, you’ll still need to be conscious for an escape on your own. The seat belt keeps you conscious and safe enough to prevent you from ejecting out of the car. More so, vehicle incidents of fire and water account for only 1 per cent of the recorded crashes.
- Seat belts are unnecessary when you are not going too far and not travelling too fast- This is a myth because most of the recorded accident happens a short distance of 25 miles from home and at a speed of 40 MPH.
- During a crash, your seat belt can hurt you- This is a fact because in the event of a crash, everything in your car can hurt you, but a seat belt is one of those things that can offer safety at the end of the day.
- You don’t need to wear a seat belt when you’re in a pick-up truck- This is a myth because wearing a seat belt in a pick-up truck has reduced the risk of fatal injury to the driver and the passenger in the front seat by 60 % most of the time.
- Guys do not have to wear a seat belt- This is a myth because 60 % per cent of the recorded fatal road traffic in 2017 were among young men from 18-34 years.
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Benefits of seat belts.
- A seat belt gives safety to all passengers during a vehicle crash.
- It Prevents people from being ejected from a car during a car crash.
- It brings a reduction in car insurance rates.
- A seat belt protects people from airbag-induced injury during an accident.
Seat belt safety: What can you do to promote safety today?
- If you feel uncomfortable wearing a seat belt, consider getting an aftermarket pad to support your seat belt. This will make it less uncomfortable for you. Ensure you use it across your chest.
- Ensure you wear your seat belt any time you enter your vehicle
- Educate others on the need to wear seat belts.
- Repair all damaged seat belts.
- If you’re driving in a car, make sure all your passengers are on their seat belts.
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Onyeka Emma is a QHSE Professional with more than 10 years of experience in occupational health and safety, which spans many industries such as construction, beverage, oil and gas, etc. He has many health and safety certifications, including NEBOSH IGC, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 Lead auditor certificate. A member of IOSH, ISPON, and Nigeria Red Cross Society. He is interested in business, entrepreneurship, Speaking, and motivating people to do better for themselves. He enjoys leisure with a good motivational book.