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overhead power line toolbox talk

Toolbox talk on Overhead power lines

Overhead power line toolbox talk explains the safety aspect of what you’re going to do when working around an overhead power line. Contact of the lifting equipment with the overhead power line can have catastrophic outcomes if the power line is transmitting a voltage.


IOSH is back on the road

IOSH sponsors an expo slated for 17 and 19 May 2022, Safety and Health Expo (SHE) in LONDON. And partners another event called Safety, health and well being (SHW) in Manchester on 23 and 24 May 2022.  The two high profile shows are free for… Read More »IOSH is back on the road

tool box talk on back safety

Toolbox talk on back safety

Back safety relates well to the safety of our back because any damage to our back can affect us for a very long time.  Activities such as repetitive movements from work activities, heavy lifting and sitting for a long time in a chair can make… Read More »Toolbox talk on back safety

Toolbox talk on equipment maintenance

Toolbox talk on equipment maintenance

  Equipment maintenance is good. And it has numerous advantages, for example, It can make equipment last longer and keep running for a long time thereby preventing work delays. It prevents people from injury caused by equipment failure due to poor or no maintenance. Minor… Read More »Toolbox talk on equipment maintenance

Toolbox talk on forklift safety

Toolbox talk on Forklift Safety.

Forklifts are heavy-duty machines. Driving a forklift is not like you’re driving a regular car. A car is a balanced four-point suspension system. A forklift is a three-point suspension system that is unbalanced. lots of dangers occur when using forklifts on loading docks and in… Read More »Toolbox talk on Forklift Safety.