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Toolbox Talk on Accident Prevention

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Toolbox talk on Accident Prevention

What is an accident?

The accident is an unplanned, unexpected, unwanted, unforeseen, undesired, unintentional event or consequence of the event which could have resulted in injury, property damage or both.

Here are some facts you need to know about the accident.

  • Accidents can result in property damage, which may cost money to replace.
  • Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions mainly cause accidents.
  • Accidents are caused; they do not just happen, and they can be prevented by using proper prevention techniques.
  • An accident Investigation can reveal the cause of the accident when done correctly.

Consequences of Accidents.

  • When an accident happens, it can cause permanent or temporal disabilities.
  • An accident can lead to loss of life.
  • Due to loss of life resulting from some accidents, the victim’s family loses their financial support and suffers.
  • Loss of income can happen as a result of an accident.
  • There will be an insurance cost to pay to the victim.
  • Accidents can lead to fear in the lives of workers.
  • It can make other workers miss work or resign Out of fear following an accident.

Accident Prevention techniques.

  • Carrying out hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA) for all activities.
  • Engaging the prevention measures or controls to identify hazards and risks.
  • Ensure there is regular site inspection and equipment inspection.
  • Carry out safety surveys and audits.
  • Conducting mock drills at regular times.
  • Creating awareness for people about hazards and other related prevention in the workplace.
  • Ensure there is adequate signage in place.
  • Making use of the work permit for all high-risk jobs.
  • Provision of safety data sheets for all substances in the workplace.
  • Ensure that all works are carried out as per safe operating procedures.
  • Report all near misses in the workplace.
  • Report all dangerous occurrences
  • Report all incidents and accidents in the workplace.
  • Ensure the strict implementation of safety procedures in the workplace.


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