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Toolbox Talk on ways to succeed as a worker

ways to succeed tool box talk

Toolbox Talk on ways to succeed as a worker

There are so many ways for a worker to succeed safely in a job. Succeeding in the job means that the worker performs his work safely. Sometimes, it is not a matter of how much you can work, but the important thing is how successful and safe you are at work. Below are a few things to do for a worker to succeed at work.


There are many ways to succeed as a worker. They include;

  • Have a clear understanding of the job that you do. Ensure you are familiar with the job before you embark on it.
  • Ensure that you are familiar with your company’s HSE Policy and put it into practice at your workplace.
  • Make a report on all unsafe actions and unsafe conditions that you witnessed at your workplace.
  • Be careful while working and ensure that you use your proper PPE.
  • Review all work procedures to ensure that they are up to date and that all workers are familiar with them.
  • If there are existing safety devices in the equipment and in the workplace, do not tamper with them because of your work.
  • Attend safety training and courses that are designed for workers in the workplace. Ensure that you pay close attention to them.
  • Ensure that you report all hazards to your supervisor.
  • Build your self-confidence, develop yourself, and invest in opportunities while working.
  • Take pride in your work and safety programs at your workplace.


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