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What are Industrial safety equipment

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Industrial safety equipment is equipment in use in our workplaces that aids in reducing the risk of harm or accident occurring in the workplace. They are mostly used in construction, mining, and healthcare settings. Personal protective equipment is mainly worn and attached to the individual body. Other equipment is also fire equipment. Though they are not worn on the body, they help to ensure that humans are protected and rescued properly in an emergency. Such equipment includes Emergency Evacuation equipment and fire safety equipment.

List of industrial safety equipment in use.

1. Personal Protective Equipment.

Personal protective equipment protects the wearer against harm from work activities. PPE is also called the last line of defense because it is meant to be the last resort provided when the employer has put other measures in place. It also gives immediate protection to the individual wearing the PPE. PPE protects against chemical, biological, and even physical hazards. Many types of PPE exist, including the Safety helmet, hard hat, Safety Boot, Safety hand glove, and Respiratory protective equipment.

Basic Protection Types on Personal Protective Equipment.

  • Head Protection.

The head protection includes the safety helmet and hardening worn on the head to offer protection against an impact hazard. The head protection protects the head when an Object falls from a height to the head area. In all construction areas, the use of head protection is mandatory at all times. It is part of the compulsory requirement for all workers.

  • Eye Protection.

Eye protection offers protection on the face and eye region of the head. The eye protection facilities that are available include safety spectacles, eye shields, safety goggles, and face shields. The protection protects the eye from vision loss, sprays of toxic liquids, splashes, and burns.

  • Ear Protection.

Ear protection offers protection to the ear against noise hazards. Noise hazards are harmful to the ear. Prolonged exposure of the human ear to the nose can cause tremendous damage to the ear, leading to partial hearing loss or even permanent hearing loss in the worst-case scenario. Examples of ear protection are earplugs, ear defenders, or ear muffs.

  • Hand and arm protection.

Human hands can be exposed to hazards that can cause harm while working. The hazard may lead to fractures to the hand, skin burns, cuts in the hand, and absorption of harmful substances. Hand protection includes safety gloves, gauntlets, wrist cuffs, and armlets.

  • Foot protection.

Foot protection, such as safety footwear knee pads, protects the leg and the foot against hot substances, rolling objects, electrical hazards, and slippery surfaces.

  • Full body

Full body protection involves life jackets, vests, and coveralls, which protect the body against extreme temperatures, flames, sparks, toxic chemicals, insect bites, and radiation.

  • Respiration Protection

These materials protect the nose from inhaling harmful substances. Examples of toxic substances are viruses, bacteria, chemicals, etc. Respiratory protection includes N95 respirators, Gas masks, full-face respirators, etc.

2. Fire Safety equipment.

There are various types of fire safety equipment. Fire safety equipment can be used in any residential building, workplace, or public place. They are mainly used to fight fire at these various places. They include fire extinguishers, fire alarms, fire blankets, emergency lighting, exit signs and escape routes, and fire hose reels.

  • Fire alarms.

The primary purpose of fire alarms is for early fire detection. Fire alarms are mainly made up of smoke detectors, heat detectors, or a combination. Smoke detectors are most common in buildings and always detect the smallest presence of smoke particles in the environment. For heat detectors, they respond to an increase in temperature in the surroundings where it is located. Fire alarms always emit a loud warning whenever triggered and help alert people to leave the building quickly.

  • Fire extinguishers.

They are among the recognized fire safety equipment in most places, including buildings, vehicles, and machines. Depending on their extinguishing agent, there are many types of fire extinguishers in the market. They include water extinguishers,

  • Water Extinguishers.

Water extinguishers are used mainly for fires involving combustible materials like wood, paper, and cloth. They are not recommended for fuel, gas, and electrical fires.

  • Co2 fire extinguishers.

Co2 fire extinguishers are designed to fight fires involving generators, computers, and electrical fires. It can also be used for burning liquid, not gas fires or deep fat fryers.

  • Dry powder

These are used for all kinds of fires and mostly for fighting fires from liquid, but they can’t be used for gas fires or deep fat fryers.

  • Wet chemical extinguisher


These are meant for fires involving cooking oil or animal fat. They mostly work by creating a barrier between the fuel and the oxygen.

  • Foam Spray Fire extinguisher

Foam spray fire extinguishers are mainly for fires involving liquids such as petrol, oil, grease, and paints but can’t be used for gas fires or deep fat fryers.

  • Fire Blankets.

Fire blankets are made of fire-resistant material. They are treated sheets. In their design, they are used to extinguish small fires, particularly fires resulting from cooking oil or flammable liquids. When there is a small fire, a fire blanket can cover the fire, thereby extinguishing the fire. Places like the kitchen are good areas to keep the fire blanket. Most times, they are inexpensive to purchase.

  • Fire hose reel

Fire hose reels consist of a strong hose often mounted on a reel connected to a water supply. They are always an effective means of extinguishing large fires. They are usually seen in industrial premises, factories, shopping complexes, and administrative buildings.

  • Emergency lighting, exit signs, and escape route

During a fire emergency, there is always a reduced visibility in the building where the fire occurs. This is often due to smoke and power failure. The emergency lighting system comes in to guide the occupants of the building for a successful exit. The emergency lighting system consists of battery-powered lights placed at strategic locations in the building, and they ensure that the routes remain visible so people can move to safe places during the event of fire.

3. Emergency evacuation equipment.

Evacuation equipment are materials designed to help aid the evacuation process. Emergency evacuation equipment includes fire escape ladders, evacuation chairs, evacuation chutes, escape hoods, masks, evacuation sheets, sleds, specialist evacuation equipment, and fall arrest equipment.


We have learned about the types of industrial safety equipment and the types of industrial equipment in the workplace. Industrial safety equipment is important: it helps protect and save humans from harm and accidents. Even during emergencies, the evacuation and fire safety equipment would equally serve to rescue people.

Frequently asked questions concerning Industrial safety equipment.

1. What does PPE stand for?

Any device being worn by an individual to protect them against health and safety hazards. PPE simply means personal protective equipment.

2. What regulations apply to PPE?

There are so many regulations applied to PPE. These regulations include the European Union Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2018 and the Safety Health and Welfare at Work (General Applications) Regulations 2007, part 2, chapter 3. OSHA standards are for general industry, maritime, and construction.

3. When must PPE be used?

PPE Should be used in addition to other safety measures on-site. Other measures include substitution, elimination of hazards, engineering control, etc.

4. Why should PPE only be used as the last resort?

PPE protects the wearer and can be ineffective when not worn properly. Sometimes, using PPE restricts the wearer and makes them uncomfortable to wear.

5. Do I need training in the use of PPE?

Yes, the workers should be trained on using PPE when being issued to them to know the hazards it is protecting them from and why they must wear the PPE for their safety.

6. Who pays for the PPE in the workplace?

The employer must supply PPE to the employees in the workplace where risks or hazards can’t be completely eradicated. However, an employer may charge a worker for PPE if the worker is truly self-employed.

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