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What are the sources of information in safety?

There are many sources of information for safety. Some of these sources can be internal, and some can be external. Internal Information is obtained within an organisation or a particular workplace. However, when it is external, it means that information is gotten from outside sources that are not within the organisation. There are international sources of information on health and Safety, too. However, a wealth of information on health and safety has always been available.


What are the internal information sources for safety?

Information can come internally from an Organization through the following

  • Medical records of workers.
  • Accident records.
  • Risk assessment.
  • Audit reports.
  • Safety committee meeting minutes.
  • Maintenance reports.
  • Safety meeting reports.
  • Tool Box talk records.


External information sources for health and safety are seen below.

  • Safety journals and magazines.
  • Manufacturers manual
  • Safety data sheets.
  • National legislation.
  • Trade associations.
  • Code of practice.
  • Guidance reports and notes.sources

International information sources on health and safety.

  • OSHA- occupational safety and health administration of the US.
  • HSE- health and safety executive of the UK.
  • WORKSAFE- Australia European agency for safety and health.

The benefit of Health and Safety Information.

Health and safety information has various benefits and is useful when tackling health and safety issues. For instance , the ILO publishes conventions and recommendations, and some countries can utilise them to create their own local health and safety laws. ILO also publishes statistics on occupational accidents and diseases, and this information helps individuals and organisations determine what they need to do to curb diseases and prevent accidents. Their code of practice and guidance provides clear guidance on achieving legal compliance in an organisation.

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