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What to consider before applying a Slip-resistant surface to an existing floor

Sometimes, a given floor may develop a slippery problem and when this starts happening, workers or individuals may slip on such floors and fall. Fall has always been one of the major causes of injuries in a construction site or workplace. All floor surfaces where people may work should have some level of slip resistance, and when this is not achieved, a slip resistance surface may be introduced into that particular floor to stop the slippery issues. But before you introduce slip-resistant surfaces, there are various factors you need to consider, and this will determine the type of slip-resistant surface that you will use.

Factors that will determine the kind of slip-resistant surface that is required in a floor.

1.Number of people that will make use of the floor.

How many people have been using the floor before? You need to consider this number of people. More people using the floor will require that the quality of the slip-resistant surface floor should be strong enough to carry that number of people.

2.Consider the People’s Footwear.

There are different kinds of footwear. Some may not have a good grip on the floor and some may have. You need to consider the type of shoes that workers will be wearing on this particular floor. Some offices or sections may require the use of safety boots like the manufacturing areas. That will make you make changes to the type of slip-resistant surface that you will introduce to the slippery floor.

3.Vehicular movement on the floor.

If the floor is subjected to vehicle movement, that means it will often witness occasional wear and tear. So this will equally determine the kind of slip-resistant surface that will be introduced to the floor to reduce the slippery problem. The kind of slip-resistant surface should be strong enough to withstand consistent vehicle movement.

4.Will the floor be contaminated with chemicals?

Chemicals will destroy some of the slip-resistant surfaces. So, consider if there will be usage of chemicals on such a floor to decide on the choice of slip-resistant surface to use that will be strong enough to withstand the damaging properties of chemicals.


5.Will the floor be subjected to environmental conditions?

Environmental conditions can damage a slip-resistant surface. Environmental conditions such as rain and sunlight. Ask if the floor will be exposed to such and make an informed decision on what kind of slip-resistant surface to introduce to the floor.

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