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What will the risk assessment for a vehicle operation at a workplace contain?

Vehicle operation involves risks, especially when you consider the nature of the workplace. Most times, the vehicle moves from one location to another in the work environment. In the course of the movement, they can impact the workers and the environment and even cause collisions. The knowledge of the vehicle operation risk assessment is essential so that the risk of harm associated with vehicle movement is minimized. There are a lot of things that a risk assessment for vehicle operation will contain, and the list of those things can be seen below.

Content of risk assessment for a vehicle operation in a workplace.


This is the first thing you will see in the risk assessment of the vehicle operation. The various hazards associated with vehicle operation have to be identified. This can be observed by monitoring the vehicle operations in and out of the workplace and every foreseeable accident condition can be seen and noted down as the hazards. Ensure that the hazards are site-specific to that location. For example, the absence of a pedestrian route is a hazardous condition; this alone can cause a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian during vehicle operation.

2.People that will be at risk.

The risk assessment will contain the people that will be at risk of that vehicle operation. There are groups of people that can be at risk, such as clients, contractors, pregnant women, young people, etc. All those people have to be identified and noted down in the risk assessment.

3.Evaluation of the risk.

This section will contain the existing control measures in place, and if inadequate, they can also be noted down. Check if there are further controls to be put in place. Introduce new control measures so that the risks will be reduced to an acceptable level. Some of the controls can be the use of trained drivers in vehicle operation at the workplace or conducting monthly driver toolbox talks.


4.Record and implementation.

All the significant findings will be recorded at this stage. Implementation of the risk assessment will come at this stage, too. Communication will be sent to various people that will take one action or the other towards the risk assessment success. All these things will be seen in the risk assessment document and on how they will all be carried out.


This section will show how the process of review will be carried out. In some organizations, they conduct their risk assessment review annually. However, there could be other factors that will necessitate the review of risk assessment, such as change of personnel, factory design, modification to the work environment, etc.

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