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Who is a banksman?

A banksman directs the operation of a crane or a larger vehicle or a load from the point where the load is attached and detached. A banksman is an important person in the activities of a crane, a vehicle, or moving equipment. The banksman gives directions to a driver and to an operator to maintain a safe operation. For example a banksman may direct an excavator operator in the course of an excavation activity so that the operator does not enter into a ditch. The banksman can direct the driver of a heavy-duty vehicle so that the vehicle is not exposed to an accident during a reversing operation. Banksman has so many jobs that they can carry out and the list can be seen below.

What does a Banksman do?

  • Responsible for directing a vehicle movement during a reversing operation.
  • Responsible for directing the offloading and unloading process in a vehicle.
  • Monitors the activities of moving equipment to ensure the moving equipment is safely driven by the driver or operator.
  • Assist the driver in maneuvering a vehicle In a difficult situation or environment.
  • Keeps the area free from people or pedestrians when there is an ongoing operation.
  • Ensures being aware of the risk assessment in use in the work area and having the information about them.

What is the difference between a banksman and a slinger signaller?

Banksman does not assist in the lifting and lowering operation of a crane, but a slinger signaller helps in this kind of operation.

A slinger signaller assists in lifting and lowering operations involving a crane.

Banksman and Slinger signaller do not receive the same kind of training. A slinger signaller receives specialized training on how to assist with lifting and rigging operations safely.

What is the difference between a banksman and a traffic marshal in the Working area?

In the context of guiding and directing vehicles in the work area, the banksman and traffic marshal can serve in this role effectively. However, outside the work environment, the traffic marshal is applied to the road, whereas banksman is limited only to the work area.

How to become a bankman?

There are many ways someone can become a banksman, but it depends on the route the person involved wants to take. Someone can decide to take an apprenticeship route or to take a college course that is related to banksman activities. Whichever route you take; the end goal is to become a banksman.

A banksman needs experience and knowledge for them to excel in whatever they are to do. Getting a site experience with the apprenticeship will offer such valuable lessons to the person.

Do we have a banksman qualification?

Experience and training will qualify someone to become a banksman. There is no Specific qualification that will lead to a banksman. However, certain qualifications may assist depending on the industry in which you are looking for a job as a banksman. So, an individual needs to get the necessary skills, knowledge and experience that will come from a range of areas.

What is the difference between a banksman and a rigger?

A Banksman plays a crucial role during the movement of a crane. They ensure that the movement is safe and the crane is rightly positioned or decommissioned after work activity. But a Rigger ensures that lifting and Rigging operations of a crane are safely conducted with no accident to persons or equipment. Riggers focus more on securing the load that is to be lifted, and banksman focus more on positioning and coordinating the crane to ensure a correct positioning prior to, during, or after the lifting operation.


Job training of a banksman will cover the following topics below.

  • Pedestrian route layout on site
  • Traffic route layout
  • Locations of overhead Power lines, Overhead tanks, etc
  • Speed limit information
  • Loading areas
  • Loading bays and parking lots
  • Supervision procedures and supervisors in charge of those areas
  • Locations of Mirrors and blind spots
  • Information on vehicles having alarms
  • Accident near miss and incident reporting.
  • Relevant legislation guiding the movement of vehicles and rigging activities.


With this article, who a banksman is will not be difficult for you to explain again. Every individual requires an apprenticeship or education route to become one. In all this, knowledge, experience and determination are needed for someone to excel greatly as a banksman. There are so many job opportunities available for a banksman; get in there, get the knowledge and skills, and apply for them.

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